Awards will be selected by an advisory committee that will follow the funding priorities set by the Board of Directors. Therefore, the advisory committee is charged to judge scholarship or award applications and decide the winners. It includes a group of esteemed physicians, scientists and professionals. Their volunteer activities for the foundation are all within their personal capacity, not those of their work affiliation. All advisory committee members must recuse himself or herself when any person with potential conflict of interest linked to him or her has submitted application. This policy is enforced by the foundation’s president and/or his/her designee. To further reduce biases, all applications will be de-identified to our best knowledge before being reviewed by the judges. Finally, please directly contact the foundation president if you have any questions or concerns about the judging process.
Committee roster*
Catherine M. Ketcham, PhD (2025-2028)
Ai Ing Lim, PhD (2024-2027)
Maryann Lu (2022-2029)
Kathleen T. Montone, MD (2021-2028)
Roland Schwarting, MD (2021-2028)
Xiaofeng Annie Wang (2021-2028)
Lanjing Zhang, MD, Ex Officio
*Membership term indicated in parentheses